Samstag, 27. November 2021

Brandgefährliche Technik

Anbei das Steckernetzteil eines DVBSky USB S2 TV-Adapters nach dem Einstecken in eine Steckdosenleiste. Die Bilder sprechen für sich.





Das Netzteil ist angeblich CE geprüft.

Wie man in den Bildern sieht, konnte der Netzspannung führende Stift ungeschützt und direkt auf den Kühlkörper treffen.

Fehlerursache war die in der Mitte zwischen dem Stecker geführte Schraube, die in eine Plastehülse des äußeren Gehäuses führen sollte, dort aber ausgebrochen ist.

Der Stick ist vermutlich ebenfalls hinüber, glücklicherweise kam es zu keinem Brand und der PC und die Sat-Anlage wurden nicht beschädigt.

Dennoch, wie kann man so einen Murks fabrizieren? :(

Mittwoch, 13. November 2019

Improve md5 calculation -- an unexpected journey

In a project it was necessary to calculate the md5 checksums of files as fast as possible. Under Perl5 there is the module Digest::MD5.

The suggested way to use this module is not the fastest. The reason is that the method addfile() does not use the buffer optimally.

In the following I have tested all possible variants: the suggested addfile approach, the buffer optimized, the File::Map based and the system call to 'md5sum' variant:

#!/usr/bin/env perl 
# bench to check how fast is memory mapped access

use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use Benchmark qw(:all) ;
use File::Map qw( map_file);
use Digest::MD5;
use File::Slurp;

sub md5offile_mapped {
    my $fn = shift;
    map_file my $data, $fn, '<';
    my $md5obj = Digest::MD5->new;
    return $md5obj->hexdigest;

sub md5offile_orig {
    my $fn = shift;
    my $fh;
    open($fh, '<', $fn) || die ("Can't open '$fn', $!");
    my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,
    = stat $fh;
    my $buffer;
    my $md5obj = Digest::MD5->new;
    while (read($fh, $buffer, $blksize)) {
    close $fh || die ("could not close file '$fn', $!");
    return $md5obj->hexdigest;

sub md5offile_addfile {
    my $fn = shift;
    my $fh;
    open($fh, '<', $fn) || die ("Can't open '$fn', $!");
    my $md5obj = Digest::MD5->new;
    $md5obj->addfile( $fh );
    close $fh || die ("could not close file '$fn', $!");
    return $md5obj->hexdigest;

sub md5offile_md5file {
    my $fn = shift;
    return system("md5sum $fn >/dev/null 2>&1");

my $file = shift @ARGV;
read_file($file); # to warm cache

timethese(500, {
        'memory_mapped' => sub{ md5offile_mapped( $file ); },
        'original'      => sub{ md5offile_orig( $file ); },
        'add_file'      => sub{ md5offile_addfile( $file ); },
        'system'        => sub{ md5offile_md5file( $file ); },

The variant "memory-mapped" is about 10% faster than the others. Here a result for checksumming a DNG-file with size of 13MB on a NVME device:

Benchmark: timing 500 iterations of add_file, memory_mapped, original, system...
     add_file: 12 wallclock secs (10.68 usr +  1.09 sys = 11.77 CPU) @ 42.48/s (n=500)
memory_mapped: 10 wallclock secs (10.43 usr +  0.23 sys = 10.66 CPU) @ 46.90/s (n=500)
     original: 12 wallclock secs (10.98 usr +  0.95 sys = 11.93 CPU) @ 41.91/s (n=500)
       system: 16 wallclock secs ( 0.13 usr 0.27 sys + 13.97 cusr  1.34 csys = 15.71 CPU) @ 31.83/s (n=500)

Unfortunately there is a problem with large files. The Digest::MD5 probably calculates the values wrong for scalars >1GB (see In this case, the memory mapped approach should not be used.

Dienstag, 14. Mai 2019

Asciiart via Perl komprimieren

Als kleine Fingerübung habe ich ff. Perl-Script geschrieben, welches zur "Komprimierung" von AsciiArt verwendet werden kann.

Sei die Vorlage:

            /| |\
        ,  ( `-´ )
       /(  _\   /____      []
      |  >(__|9|_____)     ||
       )(    | |  ___  ___ ||
      -==-   | | / _ \/ _ \||
             |8|| (_) |(_) ||
            /   \\___/\___(%%)
           ( ,-. )        |''|
            \| |/         ||||

So erzeugt das Script folgenden Perl-Code:

use v5.10;
say ;
say " "x12,"/| |\\";
say " "x8,",  ( `-´ )";
say " "x7,"/(  _\\   /","_"x4," "x6,"[]";
say " "x6,"|  >(__|9|","_"x5,")"," "x5,"||";
say " "x7,")("," "x4,"| |  ___  ___ ||";
say " "x6,"-==-   | | / _ \\/ _ \\||";
say " "x13,"|8|| (_) |(_) ||";
say " "x12,"/   \\\\___/\\___(%%)";
say " "x11,"( ,-. )"," "x8,"|''|";
say " "x12,"\\| |/"," "x9,"|"x4;
say " "x26,"`--'";
say ;
say ;
say ;1;

Alternativ kann der Fuzzy-Mode eingeschaltet werden, der ff. Code erzeugt:

use v5.10;
used in fuzzy mode
say "\n"," "x12,"/| |\\\n"," "x8,","," "x2,"( `-´ )\n"," "x7,"/("," "x2,"_\\"," "x3,"/","_"x4," "x6,"[]\n"," "x6,"|"," "x2,">(","_"x2,"|9|","_"x5,")"," "x5,"|"x2,"\n"," "x7,")("," "x4,"| |"," "x2,"_"x3," "x2,"_"x3," ","|"x2,"\n"," "x6,"-","="x2,"-"," "x3,"| | / _ \\/ _ \\","|"x2,"\n"," "x13,"|8","|"x2," (_) |(_) ","|"x2,"\n"," "x12,"/"," "x3,"\\"x2,"_"x3,"/\\","_"x3,"(","%"x2,")\n"," "x11,"( ,-. )"," "x8,"|","'"x2,"|\n"," "x12,"\\| |/"," "x9,"|"x4,"\n"," "x26,"`","-"x2,"'\n","\n","\n",;1;

Hier das Script:
#!/usr/bin/env perl 
#         FILE:
#        USAGE: ./  
#  DESCRIPTION: compresses asciiart (or any text) to small perlcode using RLE
#      OPTIONS: -f (enables fuzzing)
#         BUGS: ---
#        NOTES: ---
#       AUTHOR: Andreas Romeyke
#      VERSION: 1.0
#      CREATED: 08.04.2019
#     REVISION: ---

use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;

print "#!/usr/bin/perl\n";
print "use v5.10;\n";
my $fuzzy=0;
my $runlength=3;
if (defined $ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] eq "-f") {
    print STDERR "used in fuzzy mode\n";

sub subs {
    my $s1 = shift;
    my $s2 = shift;
    my $l = length($s2)+1;
    my $v;
    if ($l > $runlength) {
    } else {
print "say ";
foreach my $line () {
    chomp $line;
    $line=~s/(.)(\1*)/my $l=length($2);subs($1, $2);/eg;
    if ($fuzzy) {
        $line =~ s/$/\"\\n\",/;
    } else {
        $line =~ s/$/;\nsay /;

    while ($line=~s/"([^"]+)","([^"]+)",/"$1$2",/g) {};
    print $line;
print ";1;";

Wer noch weitere Vorschläge hat, wie man noch eleganteren Code erzeugen kann, immer her damit :)